
vineri, 22 iulie 2011

LCF interview
(scroll for the original version in english)
Cnjlawzz: Cate ceva despre tine si cum ai format trupa LCF.
Luke: In regula. Sunt Luke Fraizer, am doar 15 ani si sunt din Dayton, Ohio, SUA. La inceput uram muzica, dar dupa cativa ani, am ascultat niste muzica care mi-a placut la nebunie, in genul Nirvana si The Beatles. Apoi, despre multe din tupele care-mi plac am aflat prin intermediul campaniei de promovare a trupelor a lui Kurt Cobain, de exemplu The Pixies. Dupa asta, am format o trupa, LCF, impreuna cu doi prieteni de-ai mei. Lor insa nu le-a placut directia pe care a luat-o muzica noastra asa ca au renuntat. De aceea, LCF am ramas numai eu.

Cnjlawzz: Cum capeti inspiratie?
Luke: Mare parte din inspiratie vine din capul meu, pe bune. In mod normal, doar ma gandesc la o idee pentru un cantec si de nicaieri o voce parca imi sopteste un vers sau doua. Eu si familia mea mereu glumim ca este Kurt Cobain cel care „imi vorbeste din umbra”. De exemplu, asa am scris Got a Big Gun. Fraza asta pur si simplu mi-a aparut in cap de nicaieri cand cantam. Altfel, mai capat inspiratie din muzica trupelor mele preferate, Nirvana, The Beatles, Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails, Neutral Milk Hotel si asa mai departe. Ma uit la ideile pe care le-au avut ei si cant ca si cum as incerca sa fac un puzzle altfel de cat se rezolva el in mod normal.

Cnjlawzz: La ce instrumente cânţi?
Luke: Hahahaa, păi totul a început cu chitara mea. Mi-am luat o Yamaha cam acum doi ani şi am învăţat să cânt de la Kyle Melton, chitarist şi cântăreţ dintr-o trupă locală, Smug Brothers, căreia îi sunt un mare fan. După ce am terminat cu lecţiile mi-am cumpărat o chitară bass, la care am învăţat să cânt cam într-o zi. Apoi tobele. Mereu au fost dificile pentru mine, dar eu mereu încerc măcar odată, iar pentru cântat dau tot ce am mai bun. Tipic, se termină cu un zgomot oribil, dar ocazional, cred că este tolerabil.

Cnjlawzz: Dacă într-o zi ai putea face orice ce vrei tu, ce ai face?
Luke: Dacă aş putea face orice...Mi-ar plăcea să mă opresc la câte ’’vânzări de garaj’’ aş putea. Îmi place să gasesc muzică la un preţ mic, sau chiar mai bine, un instrument! Chiar acum câteva zile m-am oprit la aşa ceva şi am găsit o orgă micuţă cu 5 dolari! Bună achiziţie.

Cnjlawzz: Cum te vezi peste 10 ani?
Luke: Hmm...peste 10 ani...cred că doar depinde. Plănuiesc să fac muzică toată viaţa, dar dacă nu merge sau altceva, atunci probabil că aş fi un profesor sau terapeut. Îmi place să învăţ oamenii lucruri noi, şi de asemenea îmi place să vorbesc cu oamenii şi să-i ajut cu problemele lor de asemenea.

Cnjlawzz: Ai şi alte hobby-uri?
Luke: Îmi place să mă plimb noaptea. Cartierul meu este foarte liniştit noaptea şi tind să mă plimb foarte mult cu tata şi să stăm de vorbă. E foarte distractiv.

Cnjlawzz: Dacă ai fi fost născut în alt secol, care ar fi fost acela? De ce?
Luke: Hmmm..alt secol…îmi dă de gândit. Aş alege secolul XIX. Să văd cum se inventau lucrurile şi dezvoltarea Americii ar fi fost interesant cred.

Cnjlawzz: Dacă ai putea schimba ceva la oameni sau la lume, ce ai schimba?

Luke: Mă gândesc că mi-ar plăcea doar ca toată lumea să fie mai pacifistă. Toate aceste războaie şi aşa mai departe pur şi simplu nu sunt bune pentru lume. Pace pentru un deceniu sau două ar fi fantastic.

Cnjlawzz: De la ce vine numele, LCF?

Luke: Păi sunt diferite speculaţii despre asta. Dar stăteam pe’aici gândindu-mă la tema la mate când mi-am amintit o denumire, Least Common Factor. Mi-a plăcut şi de’aia am numit trupa LCF. Mai târziu mi-am dat seama că am unit două denumiri diferite şi m-am simţit cam stupid atunci. Dar iubesc numele oricum. Altă idee este că ar fi iniţialele mele. Numele meu complet este Lucas Christopher Fraiyer…cât de ciudat e asta? Alt nume care se potriveşte uneori ar fi Loser Club Forever. Chestia interesantă este că se potriveşte la orice ai vrea tu.

Cum am luat interviul? Simplu, eram atat de plictisita incat am intrat pe Omegle si s-a nimerit ca prietenul lui Luke sa-mi zica despre trupa sa, eu i-am zis despre blogul meu si ca as putea sa-i ajut cu promovarea. Lui i-a venit ideea sa-i iau un interviu si asta a fost. :) Enjoy

P.S & later edit: 
Aici este origialul, caci traducerea mea in romana e cam stramba iar traducerea lui Google din romana in engleza este si mai stramba. 
This is the original version, I know the Google translation is.....bad.

Cnjlawzz 1. Let us know something about who are you and how you started the LCF band

Luke: Alright. I'm Luke Frazier. Growing up, I hated music in all forms. Then a few years back, I heard some music I loved a bunch in the form of Nirvana and The Beatles. Then I found many of my other bands through Kurt Cobain's promoting of bands such as The Pixies. Then I formed a band, LCF, with two friends of mine. They didn't like the direction the music was heading though, so they dropped out. And thus, I am now LCF, one man act extraordinare.

Cnjlawzz: 2. How do you get inspiration?

Luke: I am only 15 years young, come from Dayton, Ohio in the USA, and most of my inspiration comes from inside my head really. Typically, i'll just be thinking on a song idea, and the out of nowhere a voice kinda just whispers out a line or two. My family and I always joke that Kurt Cobain is talking to me from the beyond. An example of a song written like that, is Got a Big Gun. That phrase just popped into my head outta nowhere when I was playing it. The other place i get inspiration is from the music of my favorite bands. Nirvana, The Beatles, Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails, Neutral Milk Hotel, and so on. I look at ideas they've had before and play with words and thoughts, kinda like a jigsaw puzzle, that i'm trying to solve in a different way than normally done.

Cnjlawzz: 3. What instruments do you play?

Luke: Hahaha, well it all started with my guitar. I got a Yamaha guitar about 2 years ago, and learned how to play that from Kyle Melton, guitarist and singer for local band Smug Brothers, that I'm a big fan of. Once I was done with lessons, I decided to purchase a bass guitar, which i learned to play in about a day. Then came drums. They've always been hard for me, but I always give it a shot. and as for singing, i just give my best at that. Typically it ends in horrible noises, but on occasion I think it's tolerable.

Cnjlawzz: 4. if you had a day to do anything you want...what would you do?

Luke: If I had a day to do anything....I'd love to stop by as many garage sales and such as possible. I love finding music and vinyl records for cheap, and getting an instrument for cheap is even better! Just a few days ago I stopped by a garage sale and found a little organ for 5 bucks! Very good purchase.

Cnjlawzz: 5. How do you see yourself 10 years from now?

Luke: Hmm...10 years from now....I think it really just depends. I plan on making music all my life, but if it doesn't work out or anything, then i'll probably be either a schoolteacher or a therapist. I love teaching people new things, and I also love talking to people and helping them through issues too.

Cnjlawzz: 6. do you have any other hobby?

Luke: I love going for night walks. At night my neighborhood is very quiet and peaceful, and I tend to just go for a walk with my dad alot and think and talk with him. It's very fun.

Cnjlawzz: 7. if you were born in another century, what century would be?why?

Luke: Hmmm....Another century...that's a tough one. I'd go with the 19th century. Seeing things be invented and America develop would be really interesting I think

Cnjlawzz: 8. if you could change something about people & world, what would you change?

Luke: I think I'd just like everyone to be a lot more peaceful. All these wars and such just aren't good for the world. Peace for a decade or two would be fantastic.
Cnjlawzz: 9. Where does the "LCF" name come from??
Luke: Well there's many different speculation stories about it. But really i was sitting around thinking about math hw, when i thought I remembered a term called Least Common Factor. I loved it, so that's what we name it, LCF. I learned later i had combined two different terms though, so I felt stupid. But I still love the name anyway. Other thoughts are that it's my initials, (My full name is Lucas Christopher weird is that?) and another name it stands for sometimes is Loser Club Forever. The nice thing is, it stands for whatever you want it to.

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